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EuroMaidan| One Year Later- Crowd Funding Donbass Genocide

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George Eliason
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Send more money, we burn through it fast in Ukraine!
Send more money, we burn through it fast in Ukraine!
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In the most chilling and telling statement about the Ukraine War any US official has ever made, John McCain implicates the United States Government in the war crimes of Petro Poroshenko and the entire Ukrainian government. He does this by justifying Poroshenko's use of banned weapons on civilians.

" I think that if we had provided them with the weapons they need, they wouldn't have felt they had to use cluster bombs. So, it's partially our fault," McCain, who is also the US Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, told Sputnik .

How does this implicate Barrack Obama and the United States Congress? If the United States is supplying support or weapons to a country they KNOW is willfully committing Crimes against Humanity in Donbass- I challenge you the reader to explain how the US Government is not responsible.

With this admission and the mountain of evidence that has been gathered, in a world where US Federal Law meant something more than a tool the Federal government can wield against citizens, whistle-blowers, or activists- The Anti Genocide Law of 1787 would have to be enforced. Known as the Alien Tort Statute, neither government officials, citizens, or corporations are exempt from crimes against humanity. The bar is set at willful knowledge they were committing the crime.It just needs to be enforced.

With John McCain's frank confession of Congresses knowledge, we are at case closed before a War Crimes or Crimes Against Humanity trial even begins.

International Criminal Court Findings

"In the context of the terrorist bombings convention, the purpose of this theory of criminal responsibility is understandable: anyone who contributes to the commission of a terrorist bombing by, say, supplying explosives or funds, and who has knowledge of a terrorist group's intent to commit a bombing, should be held criminally responsible.

Parallels could arise in the corporate context. For example, where a corporate executive contributes funds or explosives to a Colombian paramilitary group, knowing of its intent to murder labor leaders or bomb a union office, the executive should be held criminally responsible for aiding and abetting the crimes. His knowledge is sufficient; there is no need to prove that he shared the purpose to kill the labor leaders (although that too may be inferred from the circumstances). In some cases governmental bodies may also be sufficiently cohesive and criminal to qualify as "groups," so that corporate executives who knowingly assist them can be held criminally responsible for aiding and abetting."

Who is CrowdFunding Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine

According to Nuremberg Articles 9 and 10-There must be a group bound together and organized for a common purpose. The group must be formed or used in connection with the commission of crimes denounced by the Charter.

This is important because if the groups that are crowdfunding war crimes in Donbass are in fact liable, every donor as well as corporate sponsor are liable also. Each can be tried for participating in the funding of Crimes Against Humanity in Donbass.

The groups and members of those groups whose purpose is specifically supporting this can be dismantled and defunded. Politicians associated with them and working on policy to promote this agenda can stand trial. Its just a matter of checking the receipts.

In this instance the UCCA even offers a tax deductible receipt so donors can get a tax refund on the backs of non-fascist Americans. There is of course no doubt this breaks multiple federal laws if they are tied in as a group promoting crimes against humanity. Almost e very group listed on their own website including the UCCA was defined by the CIA as OUNb Bandera groups/Nazis.

Once continuity is proven from Stepan Bandera's OUN until today it becomes a no brainer. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck- it is a duck.

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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